

Contract Management Software

Provides quick and easy access to all supply purchasing contract data and displays all associated line item detail reorder information.

Pilot Web

Contract Management Software

Puts contract information in your hand from wherever you are and allows you to communicate with your peers and contract administrators via E-mail and user forums on demand.


Sourcing System

An electronic bid analysis and contract awards tool designed to streamline and analyze Request For Proposal (RFP) and Request For Quotes (RFQ) processes.


Data Analysis System

The data warehouse system that provides the intelligence to optimize your strategic purchasing decisions.



Oriri Learning Services can help you maximize your investment and realize the full benefit of your Oriri system.


We understand your unique needs to help you get the most from your software.

Managed Services

Gives you the freedom to focus on your business and leave management of your Oriri applications to us.

Support Services

A support plan lets you focus more on your business—and less on your software.

You know where you want your supply chain. You’ve laid the plans and charted the course.The path is crystal clear. Let us help make sure there are no detours.

Oriri makes advanced software solutions to optimize your supply chain strategies. We work with companies in Healthcare, Manufacturing, Life Sciences, and Distribution bringing them accelerated cost savings through automated Contract Management, Electronic Sourcing, Advanced Analysis and Reporting, and Integrated Communications with existing systems.

We understand the dynamics of your organization are complex and that the lack of effective methods to utilize supply purchase contracts and share the related information cost your businesses hard dollars.

  • Missed opportunities as a result of non-compliance cost millions through over payment for product, ineffective management of rebates, charge backs, administrative fees and volume discounts.
  • Extended contract cycle time costs time and money through inefficient processes.
  • The lack of contract visibility within the enterprise limits the enterprises’ ability to make strategic purchasing decisions.
  • The absence of formal enterprise-wide contract management system exposes businesses to a multitude of risks such as inclusion of “excluded providers” on Medicare cost reports, product liability, and regulations like Sarbanes Oxley.
  • Administrative costs are inflated by the inefficient manual methods in use.

Oriri brings the most sophisticated strategic supply management system on the market, backed by a committed leadership team with deep industry specific knowledge. As an independent, unbiased and totally objective party with no conflict of interest (i.e. Manufacturers, Distributors, Group Purchasing Organizations), you can rest assured that your success is our goal. Our solution, designed as a turnkey system, is quite different from our competitors.

Through its open architecture, it easily integrates with your legacy systems. As it does not negatively impact other systems or force workflow changes, this saves you considerable time, money and resources upon implementation. Because of the building block approach, open system architecture and low cost technology platform, Oriri can offer its products at a very competitive price.

News & Articles
Contract / Commercial Management – Commitment Matters RSS Feed
Re-branding Procurement
The endless debates about the role and status of Procurement are on one level quite tedious – they seem to drag on and on, with no definitive outcome beyond wide agreement that things must change. Yet this is an important conversation because the activities undertaken by Procurement have a very real impact not only within […]
Is a Contract Review Board a good idea?
Establishing a “Contract Review Board” like the one you describe is a method used by a significant number of large corporations, though it is not necessarily a ‘best practice’ approach. These review boards are part of a broader trend towards more rigorous contract review and management processes. A WorldCC member recently asked whether establishing a […]
Contracts & Relationship Management: Trends
Based on analysis of recent reports from leading consultants and procurement experts, the ‘big topics’ impacting the supply market appear to be a mix of technology, global market dynamics, environmental concerns, and shifts in underlying business practices – sometimes occurring individually, but often also with a need to consider the interplay between the various topics. […]
The paradox of relational contracting
The belief that collaboration yields better business results is widely accepted and has led to growing interest in the role that contracts play in either supporting or undermining collaborative relationships. As a result, ‘relational contracting’ has increasingly come under the spotlight, with continuing efforts to provide better definition and guidance on what it means and […]
Come out of the trenches! Make change happen
2024 is already an energizing year! It has been wonderful to be back fully in face-to-face meetings and to feel the enthusiasm of the community that continues to build around WorldCC. Such diversity – geographic, functional, industry – yet inspired by a common belief in the importance and contribution of a fresh approach to contracting […]
“The theory is fine – it’s the practice that’s the problem.”
This adage rings especially true when we look at the state of relationship management between buyers and suppliers. WorldCC’s latest study (to be published next month) reveals a wide gap between understanding its importance and taking the steps needed to align each party’s interests. In today’s fast-paced and volatile business environment, open and collaborative relationships take on added […]
AI: coming your way soon!
AI is gaining great interest, even though adoption rates remain relatively low. Many are exploring the use cases.
Collaboration: bridge or chasm?
With ever-greater frequency, organizations highlight the importance of collaboration, both internally and with their trading partners. Few would argue that collaboration depends upon strong relationships, so the early findings from current WorldCC research are a cause for concern. Despite the clear benefits, the survey shows that there is a notable shortfall in the execution of […]
Maximizing Outcomes: Are You Choosing the Right Contract?
Selecting the most effective contract and commercial model is a major factor in achieving successful business outcomes. This process demands astute business judgment and necessitates constructive dialogue both with external parties and internal stakeholders.
From clay to digital: a new form of contract
As we start a new year, it is a great time to open our minds and start to re-imagine the purpose of our contracts and the benefits that could flow from a fresh approach.